Adding permissions

To allow other users access your resources, you have to specify the access rights in the markup of the folder or mix folder that contains those resources.

About this task

Access rights can be specified for every folder or mix folder. Access rights apply to all content inside the folder, unless they are overridden.


  1. Select the folder or mix folder in the Editor.
  2. Open the SPARKL text editor by clicking EDIT SOURCE in the Edit view of the Settings panel.
  3. Use the grant child element on the folder or mix folder to specify the access rights to it.

    Figure: Adding permissions

  4. Specify the user or user group, who you want to give access to.
    • to="*"
      Matches any user.
    • to="*@*"
      Matches any user known to SPARKL.
    • to="*"
      Matches any user in the domain
    • to=""
      Matches the signed-in user
  5. Specify the type of access you want to give.
    • permission="none"
      The specified user or user group has no access rights.
      Note: This is the default value a folder or mix folder has, if no other is specified.
    • permission="x"
      The specified user or user group has execute right.
    • permission="w"
      The specified user or user group has write right.
    • permission="r"
      The specified user or user group has read right.
    • permission="wx"
      The specified user or user group has write and execute rights.
    • permission="rx"
      The specified user or user group has read and execute rights.
    • permission="rw"
      The specified user or user group has read and write rights.
    • permission="rwx"
      The specified user or user group has read, write and execute rights.
      Note: Every user has full access to everything within his own configuration tree.


The specified user or user group has the specified access right(s) to all content within the folder or mix folder you edited.


<folder name="myFolder">
    <mix name="myMix">

What to do next

You can add multiple grants to a folder or mix folder. Repeat the steps to add more permissions.

You can also specify permissions on other folders or mix folders beneath or above the newly-edited one.