SPARKL commands

The commands for installing, starting, monitoring and stopping SPARKL are listed here.

Table 1. SPARKL commands
Command Arguments Description
sse list n/a Lists the directories corresponding to all running SPARKL nodes on this machine.
Tip: You can run this command from anywhere. It does not matter what your current directory is.
sse start
Specifies the name of the node when you create it.
Specifies the node your newly-created node contacts.
If first executed from a directory, this command creates a node in that directory. Otherwise it starts the SPARKL node that corresponds to the current directory.
sse stop n/a Stops the SPARKL node that corresponds to your current directory.
sse ping n/a Pings the SPARKL node that corresponds to your current directory. It returns pong if the node is up and running.
sse console n/a The same as sse start, but it leaves the SPARKL console running in the foreground. If you logout or disconnect from the machine, the node stops.

Use q(). to quit.

sse attach n/a Attaches your terminal to the console of the current node, if it is running. Use Ctrl-D to quit.
sse remote_console n/a Attaches a remote console to the current node, if it is running. Use Ctrl-G > q to quit.
Tip: This console can also attach to other nodes if required, and you can switch between them.
sse restart n/a Restarts the current node within its present operating system process.
sse reboot n/a Reboots the current node entirely, so that it starts in a new operating system process.
sse uninstall n/a Uninstalls SPARKL from your device.