Creating nodes

To run SPARKL, you need to create a SPARKL node by creating or allocating a directory on your local file system and starting SPARKL from there, using a terminal.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have installed SPARKL.

About this task

When started in an empty directory, or any directory that does not have a sys.config file, SPARKL invokes auto-configuration. This creates the sys.config and other files required for the new node. See Configuring SPARKL for further details.
Important: If SPARKL finds a sys.config file in the directory before creating a node there, SPARKL does not generate the configuration backup file and the logs directory. Therefore, it is recommended to let SPARKL create the sys.config during auto-configuration, and edit this file later on, if necessary.


  1. Create a directory for the node.
    mkdir foo
  2. From the newly created directory, enter sse start, optionally followed by any of the arguments described in section Customising the auto-configuration.
    (cd foo && sse start)


SPARKL creates, configures and starts a node in the directory using the sys.config file that SPARKL either finds or creates in that directory.

The following files are also automatically created in the directory, unless a sys.config file was present before creating the node:

  • config.backup
    A backup of all resources kept in your SPARKL user tree.
  • log
    The directory that contains raw SPARKL system logs.
  • ssl
    The directory that contains your machine key and TLS/SSL certificate.
Note: Once started, SPARKL runs in the background. You may close the CLI.

What to do next

Log into the SPARKLĀ® Developer Console.