Adding an operation

Operations are the means by which services communicate. You can add operations in the Editor by dragging and dropping them at the Canvas panel.

Before you begin

Make sure that you have added the fields and services the operations reference.

About this task

The operations are implemented by services. They use the operations to send and receive fields of data. That is to say, operations are used by the services to channel the data flow.


  1. Open the Editor.
  2. Select the component on the Components panel.
  3. Drag and drop the component at the Canvas panel.
    The new component is displayed on the Canvas panel.
  4. Click the new component on the Canvas panel.
  5. Enter a name for the component on the Settings panel.
  6. Specify the attributes and components of the operation.
    See the table below on what to specify for the various operations.
    Operation type Attributes
    Notify operation

    Specify a service provisioned using the Sequencer extension as the service implementing the operation. You can drag-and-drop the service on the operation or select it from a drop-down list.
    Specify the client service that can fire the operation
    Specify the output field(s) of the operation by drag-and-dropping the field(s) at the operation
    Solicit/response operation

    Specify a service provisioned using the Sequencer extension as the service implementing the operation. You can drag-and-drop the service on the operation or select it from a drop-down list.
    Specify the client service that can fire the operation
    Add a response (or more) to the solicit by clicking the symbol below the solicit and entering a name for the response(s)
    Specify the output and input fields of the operation by drag-and-dropping the fields at the operation
    Request/reply operation

    Specify the service implementing the operation. You can drag-and-drop the service on the operation or select it from a drop-down list.
    Add a reply (or more) to the request by clicking the symbol below the request and entering a name for the reply(ies)
    Specify the output and input fields of the operation by drag-and-dropping the fields at the operation
    Consume(/reply) operation

    Specify the service implementing the operation. You can drag-and-drop the service on the operation or select it from a drop-down list.
    Reply(ies) (optional)
    Add zero or more reply(ies) to the consume by clicking the symbol below the consume and entering a name for the reply(ies)
    Specify the input and (if applicable) output fields of the operation by drag-and-dropping the fields at the operation


You have added a new operation.
Remember: Operations normally have to be defined inside a mix folder. At transaction runtime, SPARKL ignores operations that are not inside a mix folder.